Still on west coast time..

(image via nelly wladis)

Happy 2012 everyone!

I've been back in Philly for a few days now and I still haven't been able to familiarize myself with the 3 hr time difference yet. It doesn't seem like anything significant but if you know me, you know that to me waking up past 11am means that I've wasted the entire day, in my mind. I just can't get myself into any type of productive mode/mood. That being said, I've wasted the past 3 days including today :/

Anyway, there's no time to mope. There are more important things to worry about such as the 2nd quarter of my nursing program that I'm in....which starts on MONDAY! Talk about anxiety. This blog will probably experience another slow draft in the coming 10 weeks or so. But in the spirit of New Years I've made up some imaginary resolutions that I will severely attempt to follow this year.

1. Stay up to date this with blog.
2. Finish everything that I start. (This blog comes to mind
for this particular resolution. I've always just joined the bandwagon
with things like diaries and journals but for once this is something that I 
want to maintain. Blogs are a part of my daily readings and I've always had
an interest in them. So why not?) 
3. Stay organized!
4. Develop a fitness regimen in combination with a healthier lifestyle to relieve stress.
5. Spend more time with my family and friends on the east coast (because 
2012 will be a year of BIG changes.)
6. All in all just try to simplify my life.

I'm so excited for 2012 and I can't wait for the many things that will unfold this year. This is the year to make things happen people! HAPPY NEW YEAR.


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